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Friday, October 4, 2013

Easy Weight Loss Tip to Lose Weight!

If you are struggling to lose weight and are looking around for the best diet plan then you have probably found that most diets involve making major changes to your diet and life style. This doesn't have to be the case however if you follow this easy weight loss tip. You can use this tip to help you lose a lot of weight very easily without making any radical changes to your diet and the way that you live.

The tip is to control your portions correctly. Most people are totally unaware of the correct portions for weight loss and a healthy diet. For example, did you know that the correct serving of protein is a small fist size? Or that the correct serving of vegetables is a large fist size? This is true and should make up the basics of your plate and the amount of it.

This tip is very easy to follow. You should remember it when you are preparing meals for yourself and also when you are eating out. Restaurants often give you extra large portions of high calorie foods and often in several different courses. They do this because it tastes good and may leave you being a satisfied customer. Once in a while it might not hurt to eat like this, but you should make it so that you are not eating large portions all of the time. It is a good idea to refer to the food wheel that shows you how much of each food group you should have on your plate at meals times.

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