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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fast Weight Loss Tips For Desperate Housewives - Only For Women at Wit's End With Their Weight!

In this article we are going to take a quick look at how today's modern woman can lose weight FAST, all while juggling the responsibilities that busy women share! As summer draws to an end and the kids get ready to get back to school, you are probably starting to wonder where that magical beach body you had planned went, right?

So many women spend the warm spring and summer months analyzing one FAD diet after the next...and when the beach comes and goes yet AGAIN, without that bodacious bikini body to show off, we resign ourselves to another try next year. Here are some SIMPLE rules to make sure YOU don't fall into that trap for another decade (or two) and let the very BEST years of your life pass you by! Read on.

Get a Realistic Plan

Stop with the fads, and the 3 day fasts, and the hold your breath and spin around in circles diets. Formulate a blueprint for REAL, enduring and longevity lifestyle oriented weight loss programs. Health is NOT a gift, it's something you need to earn and keep - and in MY view, you have a responsibility to yourself (and those who love you) to take care of it.

Set Achievable Goals

Want to lose 12 pounds by Tuesday? Not going to happen...and you KNOW, deep in your belly that unrealistic goals are simply a recipe for disappointment. Just like everything else in life, set goals that empower you, and have MORE than a fleeting chance at being realized. The more ammunition you give your goals (i.e. The tools to meet them) the more achievable they become.

The Magic is in the Momentum

Simply stated, momentum if the lifeblood of fitness. 2 pounds is halfway to 4, 4 half way to 8....and 8 is halfway to a whole new body. Gains (or in this case LOSSES!) come in increments, and progress and patience are paramount!

Lastly - Pick a Great Program!

I've lost weight on several popular programs - my favorite diet, and the one that I turn to when things get a little too "desperate" is Calorie Shifting! Is that the right choice for you? Maybe...and maybe not. But whatever direction YOU pick, make sure it's something you'll stick with!

For More Related Topics Blog: Swimming For Weightloss

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