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Thursday, October 24, 2013

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week Safely - The Fastest Healthy Weight Loss Method

Are you wondering how to lose 10 pounds in a week safely and permanently?

The healthy way to approach this goal is to make your initial focus the elimination of toxins in your body. This approach includes the use of proper supplementation, adequate water intake, and the correct foods in your diet to unlock and release stored toxic build up in your body.

This way you can, in fact, experience dramatic and healthy weight loss results quickly. The fact is we all, to a certain extent, carry varying degrees excessive toxic poundage locked away in our "fat cells" and in our intestines. Fat soluble toxins are stored in fat cells to prevent them from harming your organs and other vital tissues. When a higher concentration of toxins exist in the body the fat cells grow and expand in an effort to dilute the effect of the toxins.

As far as your small and large intestines go that area of the body represents 30 feet of possible toxic build up. Needless to say, it is a primary area that needs to be targeted during your first 7 days of any healthy weight loss approach.

Eliminate toxic build up in your cells and in your intestines and you eliminate the excessive fat and weight as well. In this highly toxic world we live no one is immune from toxic exposure. As startling and alarming as it may seem, even newborn infants born in today's world have detectable levels of as many as 200 toxic chemicals in their systems on the day of birth. Since this is the case, how much more should we as adults be concerned about periodically cleansing our internal bodily systems.

For More Related Topics Blog: Healthy Diets To Lose Weight

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